The Last Gas Station

A CASHIER stands behind a dusty counter with peeling paint. There is a coffee station to one side of the counter, and a closed restroom door on the other. A CUSTOMER enters the gas station and approaches the Cashier.
CUSTOMER: Hey, I'm trying to fill up my tank. The sign said this is the last gas station for the next 75 miles, but I can't seem to get either pump to work, could you help me?
CASHIER: Pump 1 actually only works on the full moon, and pump 2 is down but they're working on fixing it right now. It should be back up in 10 minutes or so.
CUSTOMER: I'm sorry, did you say that pump 1 only works on the full moon?
CASHIER: It's kind of like a were-pump, you know what I mean?
CUSTOMER: Not really. But pump 2 should be working again soon?
CASHIER: Yeah, they're working on it now
CUSTOMER: Great. Is there a bathroom I can use while I wait?
CASHIER: Ooh, I would not risk it if I were you. They've got some crazy cult ritual going on in there right now. It's probably bad to interrupt.
CUSTOMER: Okay, fine. I'll just get a coffee.
Customer walks over to the coffee bar and begins pouring themself a cup.
CASHIER: Coffee is a good choice, i would avoid the dark roast though. 
Customer goes to take a sip of their coffee
CASHIER: I had a cup yesterday and I was seeing some crazy shit.
Customer spits their coffee back into the cup
CUSTOMER: (long pause)
CUSTOMER: Like what
CASHIER: Aliens and old gods, mostly. Right in my periphery
CUSTOMER: Got it, no coffee.
Customer pulls their phone out of their pocket and moves it around in the air for a moment
CUSTOMER: Shit, I don't have any service. I know I'm going to regret asking this, but, is there any way I could use your phone to make a quick call while I'm stuck here?
CASHIER: Sure thing!
Cashier pulls out an ancient looking rotary phone from behind the counter
CASHIER: Here you go.
CUSTOMER: And it... works? Like it makes outgoing calls?
CASHIER: Yep! It's just vintage. Matches the vibe.
Customer hesitates but slowly reaches out to grab the receiver.
CASHIER: Oh! I forgot, it does have worms though.
CUSTOMER: It has...
 CASHIER: Space worms, yeah.
CUSTOMER: (another long pause)
CUSTOMER: I give up. Look man, I get it. This is a boring job in the middle of nowhere, at this weird, creepy gas station, and you have to do something to pass the time. But seriously, space worms? Cult rituals? I just want to get a tank of gas and be on my way! Are they even actually fixing pump 2? Or should I turn around and look for a different station?
CASHIER: Yes, I promise, the pump will be running again in a minute. In fact, they're probably finishing the summoning circle now.
CUSTOMER: What summoning circle?!
CASHIER: The ritual in the bathroom! Who do you think is fixing the pump?
CUSTOMER: You've got to be fucking kidding me
CULT MEMBERS shuffle out of the bathroom door, all wearing long black robes and begin speaking in unison, addressing the cashier.
CULT MEMBERS: (In unison) The summoning hath occurred, the ritual hath concluded, pump 2 shall once more flow freely.
Cult members turn and shuffle offstage.
CUSTOMER: What... what just happened?
CASHIER: Good news, it sounds like pump 2 is working again! You can fill up your tank now. But it does only accept gold doubloons.

